• Policy Analysis
    Palestine/IsraelGlobal Health and Health Policy

    The Lancet and Genocide By “Slow Death” in Gaza

    Jul 12, 2024John Quigley

    A recent survey of Middle East scholars found that most regard Israel’s actions in Gaza since October 2023 either as “genocide” (34 percent) or as “major war c…

  • Viewpoint
    Palestine/IsraelGlobal Health and Health Policy

    Palestinians Are Denied Humanity, Even after Death

    Oct 30, 2023Yara M. Asi

    On October 25, 2023, US President Joe Biden made the stunning and unprecedented statement that he had “no confidence in the number that the Palestinians are us…

  • Policy Analysis
    Palestine/IsraelGlobal Health and Health Policy

    “An Open-Air Graveyard”: The Unfolding Health Catastrophe in the Gaza Strip

    Oct 27, 2023Yara M. Asi

    It is impossible to count the number of reports, studies, press releases, and statements that have reported the unbearable conditions of life for Palestinians …

  • Policy Analysis
    The Arab WorldGlobal Health and Health Policy

    Challenges Facing the Arab World’s Health Care Professionals

    Apr 26, 2023Yara M. Asi

    In 2022, the Egyptian Medical Syndicate released a shocking report, finding that over 10,000 Egyptian doctors resigned from positions in government hospitals d…

  • Policy Analysis
    SomaliaConflicts and Conflict Resolution

    Somalia Continues to Face Crises on Several Fronts in 2023

    Jan 10, 2023Imad K. Harb

    Following the conclusion in spring 2022 of its parliamentary and presidential constitutional requirements, Somalia began the process of attempting to re-establ…

  • Policy Analysis
    Democracy and Governance

    The Colonial Legacy in the Arab World: Health, Education, and Politics

    Nov 9, 2022Yara M. Asi

    In recent years, movements toward “decolonization” have taken hold throughout multiple disciplines, including cultural studies, health, economics, and educatio…

  • Policy Analysis
    SyriaGlobal Health and Health Policy

    The Captagon Problem in Saudi Arabia and Other Gulf States

    Over the past decade, the amphetamine fenethylline, widely known by the brand name Captagon, has increasingly become the drug of choice among the youth in Gulf…

  • Policy Analysis
    LebanonEnergy and Economics

    Lebanon Struggles to Pick up the Pieces After the Beirut Port Explosion

    Sep 9, 2022Yara M. Asi

    Lebanon’s independence in 1943 formally ended a 23-year French mandate backed by the League of Nations, a period that saw the consolidation of the country’s cu…

  • Policy Analysis
    Palestine/IsraelGlobal Health and Health Policy

    First, Do No Harm? The World Health Organization in the MENA Region

    Aug 26, 2022Yara M. Asi

    In June 2022, Richard Horton, the editor in chief of The Lancet, one of the world’s most well-regarded health and medical journals, published a short piece cal…

  • Policy Analysis
    Global Health and Health Policy

    Advancement and Inequity in the Arab World’s Medical and Pharmaceutical Sectors

    Jul 25, 2022Yara M. Asi

    The disparity between efforts to invest in a growing healthcare sector and the minimal public health services afforded to the Arab world’s populations provides…

  • Policy Analysis
    The Horn of AfricaGlobal Health and Health Policy

    Child Marriage and Female Genital Mutilation in the MENA Region

    Jul 1, 2022Yara M. Asi

    On June 20, 2022, Egyptian college student Naira Ashraf was beaten and murdered by a man who had harassed and stalked her for years, despite her repeated rejec…

  • Policy Analysis
    Palestine/IsraelThe War in Ukraine

    Food Insecurity in Palestine and the Russia-Ukraine War: The Worst Is Yet to Come

    Jun 9, 2022Omar Shaban

    The potential impact of a drop in the supply of grain to global markets due to the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war has increased fears about food insecurity around …

  • Policy Analysis
    Global Health and Health Policy

    Increasing Awareness of Mental Health Needs in Arab Populations

    Mar 18, 2022Yara M. Asi

    Two years after the initial lockdowns of the COVID-19 pandemic, biomedical advancements like vaccinations and pharmaceutical treatments began to allow countrie…

  • Policy Analysis
    Global Health and Health Policy

    Two Years of COVID-19 in the Arab World: Social, Economic, and Political Effects

    Jan 31, 2022Yara M. Asi

    It was just over two years ago—on January 5, 2020—that the World Health Organization (WHO) reported “cases of pneumonia of unknown etiology” based on informati…

  • Policy Analysis
    Global Health and Health Policy

    The Overlooked Threat of Cancer in the Arab Region

    Nov 18, 2021Yara M. Asi

    Since its founding in 1985, Breast Cancer Awareness Month has been held in October every year. Originally an American enterprise, the event has become global, …

  • Policy Analysis
    Energy and Economics

    Starving and Being Starved: Addressing Food Insecurity in Arab Populations

    Apr 5, 2021Yara M. Asi

    After years of civil war and outside intervention, Yemen continues to be widely recognized as having the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. A significant contr…

  • Policy Analysis
    Palestine/IsraelGlobal Health and Health Policy

    Another Test of Palestinian Sumud: COVID-19 in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem

    Oct 27, 2020Yara M. Asi

    As the world has endured the crushing outcomes of the COVID-19 pandemic over the past seven months, a common refrain often heard is that “the virus knows no bo…

  • Policy Analysis
    North AfricaGlobal Health and Health Policy

    North African Autocrats Use the Pandemic to Expand Power, Settle Scores

    Sep 15, 2020Charles W. Dunne

    Many months have passed since the novel coronavirus epidemic began, with wide-ranging and often devastating health, economic, and social ramifications. The pol…

  • Policy Analysis
    The Arabian Peninsula and The GulfJustice, Equality, and Human Rights

    Migrant Workers’ Health and COVID-19 in GCC Countries

    Jul 7, 2020Yara M. Asi

    Yara M. Asi writes that poor health care provisions and crowded living conditions of migrant workers in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries have made them e…

  • Policy Analysis
    Global Health and Health Policy

    Do Arab Women Need Saving? The Health of Women in the Arab World

    Jun 8, 2020Yara M. Asi

    Yara M. Asi argues that the complexity of Arab women's lives necessitates powerful ways to protect their health and well-being that should be grounded in gende…

  • From our Affiliates
    Global Health and Health Policy

    Coronavirus Contemplations

    May 16, 2020Azmi Bishara

    Having realised in our housebound isolation that this year there will be no spring for us – telling ourselves that this is at least better than losing whatever…

  • Policy Analysis
    EgyptDemocracy and Governance

    Politics of COVID-19 in Egypt: Between Repression and Opportunism

    May 12, 2020Khalil Al-Anani

    The Egyptian regime's medical assistance to the United States and other countries during the coronavirus pandemic is meant to mollify international criticism o…

  • Policy Analysis
    Global Health and Health Policy

    Health Care in the Arab World: Outcomes of a Broken Social Contract

    May 12, 2020Yara M. Asi

    Yara M. Asi surveys the poor conditions of the Arab world's health care sector and writes that significant changes in efforts and resources should be prioritiz…

  • Policy Analysis
    Energy and Economics

    The Impact of Low Oil Prices and COVID-19 on Arab Economies

    May 4, 2020Bessma Momani

    Bessma Momani analyzes the global oil price collapse and the COVID-19 public health crisis as a dual blow to the social and economic well-being of both oil-ric…

  • Policy Analysis
    Palestine/IsraelConflicts and Conflict Resolution

    Playing Politics with Aid: Israel’s Response to COVID-19 in Gaza

    Apr 29, 2020Yousef Munayyer

    Yousef Munayyer asserts that Israel's facilitation of COVID-19-related aid to Gaza will largely further one overarching priority: to serve Israel's political o…

  • Policy Analysis
    US Domestic Politics and Elections

    COVID-19, Presidential Elections, and US Foreign Policy

    Apr 29, 2020Joe Macaron

    Joe Macaron writes that Donald Trump's presidency and his administration's foreign policy may be defined this election year by the coronavirus pandemic and its…

  • Policy Analysis
    SyriaDemocracy and Governance

    Syria’s Authoritarian Regime and COVID-19

    Apr 24, 2020Radwan Ziadeh

    Syria's delayed admission of COVID-19 cases was dictated by the regime's political calculations and its hope to use the cover of the pandemic to avoid sanction…

  • Policy Analysis
    AlgeriaDemocracy and Governance

    COVID-19 Promises Algeria Uncertainty, Danger, and—Perhaps—Opportunity

    Apr 23, 2020Daniel Brumberg

    Daniel Brumberg discusses the political and economic circumstances surrounding the Algerian military's handling of the coronavirus epidemic, using the situatio…

  • Policy Analysis
    Palestine/IsraelDemocracy and Governance

    The Coronavirus Crisis May Assure Netanyahu’s Survival

    Apr 8, 2020Yousef Munayyer

    Yousef Munayyer examines how Benny Gantz's political defeat and acceptance to form a coalition government with Benjamin Netanyahu have revived the Israeli prim…

  • Policy Analysis
    Democracy and Governance

    Authoritarianism and the Middle East in the Time of COVID-19

    Apr 2, 2020Charles W. Dunne

    Authoritarian governments and leaders in the Middle East have used the cover of the coronavirus pandemic to disperse demonstrations, jail activists, stifle dis…

  • Policy Analysis
    IranUS Foreign Policy

    The COVID-19 Pandemic Prompts Debate over Iran Sanctions

    Marcus Montgomery details splits in official Washington about how to deal with Iran at this delicate time of the coronavirus outbreak: some want to offer sanct…

  • Policy Analysis
    IranUS Foreign Policy

    COVID-19 and Iranian-American Relations

    Apr 1, 2020Daniel Brumberg

    As US-Iran relations suffer from continuing political and ideological differences, the coronavirus calamity could provide an opportunity for deescalation and c…

  • Policy Analysis
    MoroccoDemocracy and Governance

    Morocco: Despite Some Progress, Many Challenges Remain

    Mar 31, 2020Nabeel A. Khoury

    Nabeel Khoury discusses Morocco's political and economic conditions and cautions its elite to use the opportunity of the current social calm engendered by the …

  • Viewpoint
    Palestine/IsraelInternational Law

    Israel Has Effective Control over Gaza

    Mar 28, 2020Jonathan Kuttab

    During the coronavirus pandemic Israel must understand and implement its obligations toward Gaza’s citizens and abide by its responsibilities under the Geneva …

  • Policy Analysis
    Global Health and Health Policy

    The Coronavirus Pandemic and the Arab World: Impact, Politics, and Mitigation

    Arab Center Washington DC's resident and non-resident fellows and scholars investigate and report on the different aspects of the COVID-19 global public health…