• Policy Analysis
    Palestine/IsraelEducation and Development

    The US Academy and the Destruction of Gaza’s Education System

    Jul 3, 2024Hanna Alshaikh

    After Columbia University students set up a pro-Palestinian encampment on April 17, similar ones formed on campuses not only in the United States but worldwide…

  • Policy Analysis
    US Domestic Politics and Elections

    History Redux: Immigrants from MENA and the US Presidential Election

    Trump’s previous policies affecting Muslims and President Biden’s stance on the Gaza war are likely to either keep Arab-Americans from voting or prompt them to…

  • Policy Analysis
    Palestine/IsraelProtests and Activism

    Pro-Palestine Campus Encampments and Israel’s Targeting of American Students

    Jun 7, 2024Heba Gowayed

    On at least 80 college and university campuses across the United States, students formed encampments demanding that their universities disclose their investmen…

  • Policy Analysis
    Palestine/IsraelRegional Relations and Geopolitics

    Seven Months of War on Gaza, Israel Is in International Distress

    May 17, 2024Mtanes Shihadeh

    The Israeli government has described the war on Gaza since last October as an “existential war and a second war of independence.” Israel’s official and public …

  • Viewpoint
    Palestine/IsraelUS Domestic Politics and Elections

    Congress’s Crackdown on Campus Protests and the Threat to Civil Liberties

    May 15, 2024Ethan Mayer-Rich

    It has been a month since student protests started at Columbia University with the establishment of a protest encampment on April 17. In response, students aro…

  • Policy Analysis
    Palestine/IsraelProtests and Activism

    American Student Protest Movements, Then and Now

    May 10, 2024Rami G. Khouri

    Watching university students protest in the United States over the past three weeks begs the question of whether they will end American support for Israel’s ge…

  • Policy Analysis
    Palestine/IsraelProtests and Activism

    Although Limited, Arab Public Protests Against the War in Gaza Continue

    Apr 30, 2024Dana El Kurd

    Seven months into Israel’s violence in Gaza—which has credibly been identified as an active genocide—the Middle East has teetered on the brink of chaos. Unders…

  • Policy Analysis
    Palestine/IsraelMedia and Technology

    The Dozen Ds That Drive Israel’s Propaganda 

    Apr 17, 2024Rami G. Khouri

    The past six months of Israeli-Palestinian warfare have witnessed levels of military ferocity, human suffering, societal destruction, and mass political activi…

  • Policy Analysis
    Palestine/IsraelConflicts and Conflict Resolution

    Six Months of Carnage in Gaza

    Six months of the devastating Israeli war on the Gaza Strip have caused the death and injury of more than a hundred thousand Palestinians, spread starvation an…

  • Policy Analysis
    Palestine/IsraelConflicts and Conflict Resolution

    Once Again, Germany Is on the Wrong Side of History

    Apr 9, 2024Salim Cevik

    Since the onset of Israel's war on Gaza, Germany has emerged as one of its most steadfast allies, along with the United States. This alignment is not surprisin…

  • Viewpoint
    JordanProtests and Activism

    Path of Least Cost: Assuaging Public Protests in Jordan

    Apr 1, 2024Imad K. Harb

    Once again, events in Gaza are showing up in the form of indignant protests in Jordan that, if not properly handled, could lead to serious challenges for the J…

  • Policy Analysis
    Palestine/IsraelUS Foreign Policy

    Gaza, Biden, and an American Intifada

    Mar 27, 2024Charles W. Dunne

    As Israel’s devastating Gaza invasion wears on, tensions between President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are spiking, endangering the…

  • Viewpoint
    Palestine/IsraelRegional Relations and Geopolitics

    Whither the Arab World from What is Happening in Gaza?

    Mar 20, 2024Imad K. Harb

    Israel’s war on Gaza has recently entered its sixth straight month with no respite or apparent possibility of a permanent ceasefire that could spare the lives …

  • Policy Analysis
    Palestine/IsraelUS Foreign Policy

    The Sunday Talk Shows on Gaza: A Study in Media Bias

    Jan 31, 2024William L. Youmans

    That the American public is not regarded as especially well-informed when it comes to international affairs is conventional wisdom among the US political and n…

  • Policy Analysis
    The Arab WorldRegional Relations and Geopolitics

    Important Considerations for the Middle East in 2024

    The October 7 Hamas attack on Israel and Israel’s subsequent invasion of the Gaza Strip will play a major role in shaping what unfolds in the Middle East in 20…

  • Policy Analysis
    LevantIdentity Politics and Sectarianization

    Is Anti-Zionism a Form of Anti-Semitism?

    Dec 9, 2023Azmi Bishara

    A bipartisan group of House members proposed HR 6578, that, if passed, would create a “Commission to Study Acts of Antisemitism in the United States.” This com…

  • Viewpoint
    Palestine/IsraelMedia and Technology

    Disinformation and Hate Speech on Social Media Contribute to Inciting War Crimes Against Gaza

    Oct 13, 2023Tamara Kharroub

    During major events like violent conflict, there is a vacuum of verified and accurate information, as well as high interest and emotions. As the fog of war and…