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- Policy AnalysisSaudi ArabiaSecurity and Defense
How a Legal Loophole is Helping Trump Sell Arms to Saudi Arabia
May 28, 2019Marcus MontgomeryPresident Trump is using tensions with Iran to bypass Congress and push through weapons sales to Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates
- Policy AnalysisThe Arabian Peninsula and The GulfJustice, Equality, and Human Rights
Is Partition Becoming a Reality in Yemen?
May 22, 2019Imad K. HarbIf Yemen’s southern secessionists succeed in establishing a UAE-controlled rump state, Saudi Arabia will have to contend with either continuing the conflict in…
- Policy AnalysisSaudi ArabiaMigrants, Refugees, and IDPs
As Congress Scrutinizes Yemen, Spotlight Shines on Saudi Arabia and Its Partners
Apr 9, 2019Charles W. DunneCongress's vote to end US support for the war in Yemen reflects growing anger at Saudi Arabia. That anger is also extending to two of the kingdom’s closest all…
- Policy AnalysisLevantConflicts and Conflict Resolution
Deteriorating Circumstances in Syria and Yemen Overshadow US Tactical Success
Jan 16, 2019Charles W. DunneChanging circumstances in Syria and Yemen and Washington’s shifting strategies have exposed the Trump Administration’s claims of success as threadbare.
- Policy AnalysisSaudi ArabiaUS Foreign Policy
US Senate Votes to Pressure Saudi Arabia
Dec 14, 2018Marcus MontgomeryCorker's resolution to cut off American assistance to the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen is a rebuke to President Trump and the administration.
- Policy AnalysisThe Arabian Peninsula and The GulfJustice, Equality, and Human Rights
The Now-Halted War in Hodeida: Was It a Cover for Khashoggi’s Murder?
Nov 15, 2018Imad K. HarbThe resumption of fighting around Hodeida cannot be separated from the Saudi attempt to deflect the international community’s attention away from its responsib…
- Policy AnalysisThe Arabian Peninsula and The GulfSecurity and Defense
US Involvement in Yemen: Changing Course Required as Disaster Worsens
Sep 26, 2018Charles W. DunneWith no end in sight, no exit strategy, and little to show for its involvement so far, the US should revise its strategy soon or face mounting international an…
- Policy AnalysisIranConflicts and Conflict Resolution
Complications of the Houthis’ Role in the Red Sea
Aug 23, 2018Abdulwahab Al-QassabThe Houthis’ attack on two Saudi Arabian tankers near the Bab al-Mandab waterway prompts questions about whether they and Iran can disrupt shipping in the Red …
- Policy AnalysisThe Arabian Peninsula and The GulfMigrants, Refugees, and IDPs
Hodeida and the Changing American Position
Jun 18, 2018Gregory AftandilianAfter opposing Saudi-UAE plans to take the vital Hodeida port, the Trump Administration is now supporting the operation to show it will actively oppose so-call…
- Policy AnalysisThe Arabian Peninsula and The GulfConflicts and Conflict Resolution
External Actors Complicate Resolving the Yemeni Conflict
Apr 25, 2018Gregory AftandilianAlthough the Houthis and the Hadi government show no signs of compromise, Yemen’s conflict continues to drag on largely because external actors are pursuing ag…
- Policy AnalysisThe Arabian Peninsula and The GulfSecurity and Defense
Strategic Considerations of the UAE’s Role in Yemen
Mar 9, 2018Abdulwahab Al-QassabThere are legitimate questions about whether the UAE is interested in keeping Yemen unified and sovereign under a national government recognized by the interna…