Abdulwahab Al-Qassab

Abdulwahab Al-Qassab

ACW Position

Fmr Visiting Fellow

Areas of Expertise

Iraq, geostrategic issues, power relations in the Gulf, military history, energy



Abdulwahab Al-Qassab

Fmr Visiting Fellow, Arab Center Washington DC

Abdulwahab Al-Qassab is an Associate Researcher at the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies (ACRPS) in Doha, Qatar and a former Visiting Fellow at ACW. At ACRPS, he coordinates the Strategic Program and oversees a number of projects, including Armament in the Arab world, Energy and Oil in the Arabian Gulf, and Water Resources in the Arab World. Previously, he worked in research with the Center for Arab World Studies, Al-Mustansiriya University, and the Center for International Studies, University of Baghdad. He was also a member of the Steering Committee for the Political Department and the Futurist Studies Department at Baytulhikma in Baghdad.

Between 1997 and 2005, Dr. Al-Qassab taught postgraduate strategic studies in Al Bahrain University in Baghdad and in 2003 founded Al-Zaman Center for Strategic Studies in Iraq. From 2006 until 2010, he was a consultant to the Iraqi Center for Strategic Studies in Amman and the Center for Strategic Studies of the Qatar Armed Forces. Before entering a career in research and academia, Dr. Al-Qassab served in the Iraqi Armed Forces, earning the rank of Major General. He also served as a consultant for Naval Affairs and oversaw research and development programs for the Chief of the General Staff in the Iraqi Armed Forces. His research interests are geostrategic issues in the Arabian Gulf, military history, history of political and international relations in the Levant, Iraq, and the Arabian Gulf, power relations in the Arabian Gulf, armament and disarmament, and power and energy.