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- Policy AnalysisQatarJustice, Equality, and Human Rights
In Saudi Arabia, Covering the Khashoggi Murder Is a State Affair
Aug 13, 2019Connor EcholsOver the last decade, stories about the potential for freedom of the press in the Arab world have alternated between hopeful and hopeless. The 2011 Arab uprisi…
- Policy AnalysisSaudi ArabiaDemocracy and Governance
The Aftermath of the Khashoggi Murder: Freedom of the Press in 2018
Dec 21, 2018Tamara KharroubThe rise of populism and anti-globalism has contributed to erosion of the international rights system, with governments moving away from accountability and tra…
- ViewpointLevantJustice, Equality, and Human Rights
Covering Gaza: Is the Mainstream Media Discourse Changing on Palestine/Israel
Apr 6, 2018Tamara KharroubAs Israeli occupation forces carried out a brutal response against 30,000 Palestinians protesters in Gaza, Washington, DC—and much of the international communi…
- ViewpointLevantMedia and Technology
Where on Earth is the Palestinian Press?
Mar 16, 2018Khalil E. JahshanAs a long-term observer of Middle East politics, I have always been intrigued by the surprisingly limited impact exerted by the Palestinian media on Palestinia…
- Policy AnalysisEgyptMedia and Technology
Press Freedom Reversals in Post-Arab Spring Countries
Dec 18, 2017Sahar KhamisJust like the path to democratization and reform has been obstructed or derailed in most of the Arab Spring countries, so has the path to media freedom, in a p…
- Policy AnalysisQatarConflicts and Conflict Resolution
The GCC Crisis: Media, Hacks, and the Emergence of “Cyber Power”
Jul 25, 2017Tamara KharroubMedia tools have been employed heavily in the GCC crisis to suppress freedom of the press and expression, indicating a shift from military and soft power to a …
- Video
The Role of Media in the GCC Crisis: Hacking, Free Press, and Their Implications
Jul 20, 2017Jul 20, 2017