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Government Survival Strategies in the Middle East
Jun 1, 2019Sarah Leah WhitsonThis paper is part of ACW's fourth book, titled The Arab World Beyond Conflict.Regional and global geopolitics, intrigues, and rivalries often attract the most…
- Policy Analysis
The Path to Ending Conflicts: Prospects and Hindrances
Jun 1, 2019Amatalalim AlsoswaThese remarks are the edited transcript of the keynote address Dr. Alsoswa delivered at Arab Center Washington DC’s annual conference on September 20, 2018, “T…
- Policy AnalysisBahrainMigrants, Refugees, and IDPs
The Kushner Bahrain Ordeal: Why Are the Palestinians Boycotting?
May 31, 2019Khalil E. JahshanThe proposed US “Peace to Prosperity” workshop in Bahrain is destined to fail because it ignores Palestinian participation and avoids linking economic prosperi…
- Policy AnalysisLevantJustice, Equality, and Human Rights
Insult of the Century: Assessing the Trump Administration’s Peace Plan
May 30, 2019Yousef MunayyerThe Trump Administration’s Palestinian-Israeli peace deal, leaked to the press, and the upcoming Bahrain meeting represent an insult to the Palestinians and ar…
- Policy AnalysisIranThe GCC
Arab Leaders Trying to Decipher US Iran Policy
May 30, 2019Daniel BrumbergThe Trump Administration’s contradictory statements and signals about its approach to Iran are increasing the confusion for GCC states and Iraq as tensions mou…
- Policy AnalysisIranThe GCC
“Maximum Pressure” on Iran Stresses US-Iraq Ties
May 29, 2019Charles W. DunneThe US policy of "maximum pressure" on Iran intensifies pressure on the US-Iraq relationship, too. Baghdad is eager to step out of the fray, and Washington nee…
- Policy AnalysisSaudi ArabiaSecurity and Defense
How a Legal Loophole is Helping Trump Sell Arms to Saudi Arabia
May 28, 2019Marcus MontgomeryPresident Trump is using tensions with Iran to bypass Congress and push through weapons sales to Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates
- Policy AnalysisJordanConflicts and Conflict Resolution
Facing Pressure at Home and Abroad, Jordan’s King Shifts Strategy
May 23, 2019Joe MacaronThe Trump Administration’s anticipated Israeli-Palestinian peace initiative is pushing Jordan’s King Abdullah to realign interests with his country’s Muslim Br…
- Policy AnalysisThe Arabian Peninsula and The GulfJustice, Equality, and Human Rights
Is Partition Becoming a Reality in Yemen?
May 22, 2019Imad K. HarbIf Yemen’s southern secessionists succeed in establishing a UAE-controlled rump state, Saudi Arabia will have to contend with either continuing the conflict in…