Our research team compiled the following information about Syrian refugees from the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), including the number of refugees in each country, age groups, and gender percentages. The source data can be found on UNHCR’s Website.
Country | Population |
Turkey (TUR) | 3,737,369 |
Lebanon (LBN) | 840,929 |
Jordan (JOR) | 672,952 |
Germany (DEU) | 621,740 |
Iraq (IRQ) | 254,561 |
Egypt (EGY) | 136,727 |
Sweden (SWE) | 115,233 |
Sudan (SDN) | 93,482 |
Austria (AUT) | 62,408 |
Netherlands (NLD) | 39,388 |
Greece (GRC) | 39,372 |
France (FRA) | 37,375 |
Switzerland (CHE) | 20,146 |
Bulgaria (BGR) | 20,067 |
Denmark (DNK) | 19,706 |
Belgium (BEL) | 19,188 |
Norway (NOR) | 15,865 |
Spain (ESP) | 14,987 |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (GBR) | 11,980 |
Cyprus (CYP) | 10,735 |
United States of America (USA) | 8,799 |
Algeria (DZA) | 6,659 |
Armenia (ARM) | 5,335 |
Morocco (MAR) | 5,082 |
Brazil (BRA) | 3,920 |
Italy (ITA) | 3,527 |
Ireland (IRL) | 2,832 |
Finland (FIN) | 2,660 |
Tunisia (TUN) | 2,523 |
Yemen (YEM) | 2,513 |
Luxembourg (LUX) | 2,409 |
Romania (ROU) | 2,258 |
Malta (MLT) | 1,918 |
Rep. of Korea (KOR) | 1,250 |
Somalia (SOM) | 991 |
Hungary (HUN) | 869 |
Portugal (PRT) | 861 |
Australia (AUS) | 640 |
Croatia (HRV) | 548 |
Ukraine (UKR) | 512 |
Libya (LBY) | 492 |
Lithuania (LTU) | 463 |
Malaysia (MYS) | 449 |
Georgia (GEO) | 444 |
United Arab Emirates (ARE) | 439 |
Argentina (ARG) | 433 |
Nigeria (NGA) | 422 |
Mauritania (MRT) | 368 |
Czechia (CZE) | 358 |
Slovenia (SVN) | 326 |
Latvia (LVA) | 312 |
Russian Federation (RUS) | 297 |
Poland (POL) | 254 |
Ghana (GHA) | 229 |
Thailand (THA) | 215 |
Iceland (ISL) | 195 |
Canada (CAN) | 190 |
Saudi Arabia (SAU) | 186 |
Rep. of Moldova (MDA) | 166 |
Ecuador (ECU) | 157 |
Kuwait (KWT) | 150 |
Cote d’Ivoire (CIV) | 148 |
Philippines (PHL) | 130 |
Chile (CHL) | 113 |
Estonia (EST) | 105 |
Japan (JPN) | 93 |
Paraguay (PRY) | 84 |
Kyrgyzstan (KGZ) | 75 |
New Zealand (NZL) | 72 |
India (IND) | 69 |
Belarus (BLR) | 68 |
Uruguay (URY) | 66 |
Trinidad and Tobago (TTO) | 64 |
Pakistan (PAK) | 50 |
Chad (TCD) | 48 |
Peru (PER) | 47 |
Serbia and Kosovo: S/RES/1244 (1999) (SRB) | 45 |
China (CHN) | 43 |
Ethiopia (ETH) | 38 |
South Africa (ZAF) | 38 |
Cuba (CUB) | 36 |
Zambia (ZMB) | 36 |
Mexico (MEX) | 34 |
Azerbaijan (AZE) | 33 |
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) (VEN) | 33 |
Benin (BEN) | 32 |
Liechtenstein (LIE) | 32 |
Qatar (QAT) | 30 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) | 28 |
Liberia (LBR) | 27 |
Slovakia (SVK) | 25 |
Mali (MLI) | 24 |
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) (BOL) | 22 |
Indonesia (IDN) | 20 |
Togo (TGO) | 18 |
Uganda (UGA) | 18 |
North Macedonia (MKD) | 17 |
Albania (ALB) | 15 |
Djibouti (DJI) | 14 |
Guinea (GIN) | 14 |
Kazakhstan (KAZ) | 14 |
Dem. Rep. of the Congo (COD) | 12 |
Colombia (COL) | 11 |
Oman (OMN) | 8 |
Bahrain (BHR) | 5 |
Burkina Faso (BFA) | 5 |
Cameroon (CMR) | 5 |
Congo (COG) | 5 |
Costa Rica (CRI) | 5 |
Kenya (KEN) | 5 |
Madagascar (MDG) | 5 |
Monaco (MCO) | 5 |
Niger (NER) | 5 |
El Salvador (SLV) | 5 |
United Rep. of Tanzania (TZA) | 5 |
Angola (AGO) | 0 |
Nauru (NRU) | 0 |
Senegal (SEN) | 0 |
Total | 6,848,865 |
Age | Percentage |
0 to 4 | 12.1 |
5 to 11 | 19.1 |
12 to 17 | 11.4 |
18 to 59 | 47.7 |
60+ | 3.0 |
*unknown numbers make this add up to less than 100%
Female | Male |
2,978,832 (43.49%) | 3,413,471 (56.51%) |