• Washington Policy Weekly
    IranUS Domestic Politics and Elections

    Congressional Update – Week Ending January 20, 2017

    Jan 18, 2017

    The 115th Congress convened on January 3, 2017 and lawmakers in both houses wasted little time in voicing concerns about recent developments in the Middle East…

  • Washington Policy Weekly
    LevantUS Domestic Politics and Elections

    House and Senate Introduce Resolutions Disapproving the UNSC Resolution on Israeli Settlements

    Jan 6, 2017

    On January 5, 2017, the US House of Representatives, by a vote of 342-80, passed HRes11, a non-binding resolution objecting to the United Nations Security Coun…

  • Policy Analysis
    LevantUS Domestic Politics and Elections

    Recalculating Route: America and Israel on Divergent Paths

    Jan 3, 2017Yousef Munayyer

    In May 2016, I wrote that the Obama Administration should carefully weigh options for how to address the Israeli/Palestinian issue during its last months in of…

  • Washington Policy Weekly
    IranConflicts and Conflict Resolution

    Congressional Update – November 17, 2016

    Nov 17, 2016

    (1) Congressional Elections Senate Results: The failure by the Democrats to gain control of the Senate is a bitter loss for the Democratic Party. A few short w…

  • Washington Policy Weekly
    LevantUS Domestic Politics and Elections

    Congressional Update – October 13, 2016

    Oct 13, 2016

    Congress remains adjourned until mid-November when it will return to face a crowded legislative agenda. The House will return on Monday, November 14 with the S…

  • Washington Policy Weekly
    Saudi ArabiaUS Domestic Politics and Elections

    Congress Overrides Presidential Veto of JASTA Legislation

    Sep 29, 2016Roxanne Perugino

    Despite an intensive lobbying effort by Saudi Arabia’s many lobbyists against the Justice against State Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA), the House and Senate…

  • Washington Policy Weekly
    Saudi ArabiaUS Domestic Politics and Elections

    House Passes JASTA Amid White House Opposition: Implications for the US-Saudi Relationship

    Sep 13, 2016

    The US House of Representatives passed by unanimous voice vote on September 9, S2040, the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA), a bill to allow fa…

  • Washington Policy Weekly
    LevantUS Domestic Politics and Elections

    Congressional Update – The Relationship between Israel and the Palestinians

    Jun 15, 2016

    On June 14 the Senate passed the National Defense Authorization Act, S2943, by a vote of 85-13.  The vote occurred after a compromise manager’s amendment by Se…

  • Washington Policy Weekly
    LevantProtests and Activism

    Congressional Update – Combatting BDS Act

    Jun 15, 2016

    On June 14 the Senate passed the National Defense Authorization Act, S2943, by a vote of 85-13.  The vote occurred after a compromise manager’s amendment by Se…

  • Washington Policy Weekly
    LevantProtests and Activism

    Congressional Update – Combatting BDS Act of 2016

    Jun 6, 2016

    On Monday, June 6 the Senate began consideration of the FY 2017 Defense Authorization bill, S2943. Senators are expected to consider nearly 100 amendments to t…

  • Policy Analysis
    LevantUS Domestic Politics and Elections

    Why the World Shouldn’t Panic About Trump

    Jun 1, 2016Joe Macaron

    “Everything I say right now is a suggestion, I am not the President,” the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump told Fox News on May 13. However, his …

  • Washington Policy Weekly
    Palestine/IsraelProtests and Activism

    The War against the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement

    Jun 22, 2015Roxanne Perugino

    Roxanne Perugino