• Policy Analysis
    LebanonDemocracy and Governance

    The Lebanon Uprising: Causes and Ramifications

    Oct 24, 2019Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies (ACRPS)

    Lebanon’s protests have been unique and inclusive and are united by a wish to topple the ruling political class and abandon the system of sectarian power-shari…

  • Policy Analysis
    LebanonDemocracy and Governance

    Radical Reform or Total Chaos for Lebanon?

    Oct 22, 2019Nabeel A. Khoury

    Nabeel Khouri argues that it is clear that radical reform in Lebanon is what stands between a safe and gradual transition to an accountable government, on the …

  • Viewpoint
    LebanonDemocracy and Governance

    Lebanon’s Protests Cannot Be Ignored

    Oct 18, 2019Imad K. Harb

    Imad K. Harb writes that Lebanon’s current protests are a reminder that the Arab Spring is alive and well and that Lebanese politicians have no choice but to h…

  • Viewpoint
    IraqIdentity Politics and Sectarianization

    Iraq’s Cruel Killings Will Not Stop Mass Protests

    Oct 8, 2019Imad K. Harb

    Protests have again rocked Iraq’s streets as thousands of young people voiced their opposition to rampant corruption and sectarian politics. While the demonstr…

  • Policy Analysis
    AlgeriaJustice, Equality, and Human Rights

    Algeria’s Standoff between Protesters and the Regime

    There is a dangerous standoff in Algeria between the protesters, who are demanding regime change, and the military establishment, which wants to maintain the s…

  • Policy Analysis
    EgyptDemocracy and Governance

    Egypt’s Protests: A Sign the Arab Spring Is Alive

    Sep 24, 2019Imad K. Harb

    Although the protests today are unlike those that garnered millions at public squares in 2011, the struggle of the Egyptian people against repression remains a…

  • Policy Analysis
    The Horn of AfricaDemocracy and Governance

    Transitional Period Agreement in Sudan: Opportunities for Success and Threats of Failure

    Aug 26, 2019Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies (ACRPS)

    There remain serious obstacles on the road to secession by Yemen's Southern Transitional Council, especially the contrary aims and programs in the various sout…

  • Policy Analysis
    AlgeriaJustice, Equality, and Human Rights

    The Arab Spring May Still Be Alive in Northwestern Africa

    Jul 25, 2019Charles W. Dunne

    The popular uprisings and challenges to the regimes in Algeria, Morocco, and Mauritania indicate that the Arab Spring may not have ended and that authoritarian…

  • Policy Analysis
    SudanDemocracy and Governance

    Will the Political Agreement Pave the Way for Democracy in Sudan?

    Jul 23, 2019Abdelkhalig Shaib

    On July 17, 2019, Sudan’s Transitional Military Council (TMC) and the main opposition group, the Alliance for Freedom and Change (AFC), signed a power-sharing …

  • Washington Policy Weekly
    IranProtests and Activism

    Republicans Define What It Means to Be Pro-Israel

    Jul 10, 2019Marcus Montgomery

    The definition of “standing with Israel,” one held by high profile Republican officials and members of Congress who spoke at the Christians United for Israel a…

  • Book Review
    LevantConflicts and Conflict Resolution

    Assad or We Burn the Country by Sam Dagher

    Jul 9, 2019Joe Macaron

    “Assad or we Burn the Country” was a slogan sprayed in big, bold, and black letters in the city of Homs during a critical juncture of Syria’s modern history. S…

  • Book Talks
    SyriaConflicts and Conflict Resolution

    The Assad Regime, Political Power, and the Future of Syria

    Jul 9, 2019

    On July 9, 2019, Arab Center Washington DC hosted Author Sam Dagher to discuss his latest book titled "Assad or We Burn the Country: How One Family’s Lust for …