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Khalil Jahshan interviewed regarding the Khashoggi murder
Oct 2, 2019Khalil E. JahshanKhalil Jahshan interviewed by Middle East Eye on the anniversary of the Khashoggi murder. Read more
Joe Macaron interviewed by Der Tagesspiegel on Khashoggi’s murder (in German)
Oct 2, 2019Joe MacaronJoe Macaron was interviewed by Der Tagesspiegel on the anniversary of Khashoggi's murder.Read more
How a reckless crown prince put Saudi Arabia on a perilous path
Oct 1, 2019Marcus MontgomeryMohammed bin Salman has forged a dangerous and unsustainable path by doing the exact things Jamal Khashoggi warned him against. Read more
Joe Macaron interviewed by The Arab Weekly on Saudi-Turkish relations.
Sep 28, 2019Joe MacaronACW fellow Joe Macaron was interviewed by The Arab Weekly on Saudi-Turkish relations a year after the murder of Jamal Kashoggi. Read more
Joe Macaron interviewed by Arab News on Turkish plans for Northern Syria
Sep 28, 2019Joe MacaronACW fellow Joe Macaron was interviewed by Arab News on Turkey's plans to rebuild safe zones in Norther Syria.Read more
Joe Macaron interviewed regarding US-Turkish cooperation in Syria (in Arabic)
Sep 19, 2019Joe MacaronACW resident fellow Joe Macaron was interviewed by Rozna radio about the US-Turkish military cooperation in Syria. Read more
Joe Macaron comments on Erdogan’s recent interest in the Patriot system (in Arabic)
Sep 16, 2019Joe MacaronACW fellow Joe Macaron was interviewed by Arabi21 regarding Turkey's recently expressed interest in the Patriot system. Read more
- Policy AnalysisLevantJustice, Equality, and Human Rights
Turkey’s Nativist Turn against Syrian Refugees and Other Arabs
Jul 23, 2019Mustafa GurbuzThe key drivers that fuel the recent nativist sentiment in Turkey are the worsening economy and the politicization of the refugee issue by divisive election ca…
- Policy AnalysisLevantConflicts and Conflict Resolution
A US-Turkish Agreement Remains a Challenge in Northeastern Syria
Jun 26, 2019Joe MacaronUS officials may be rushing a deal with Turkey in northeastern Syria that could lead to a Turkish-Kurdish confrontation and stall the American withdrawal from …
- Policy AnalysisLevantDemocracy and Governance
Turkey after the Heated Municipal Elections: Key Takeaways
Apr 8, 2019Mustafa GurbuzThe results of the municipal elections in Turkey have surprised many including the ruling AKP, which called them a “coup” and demanded a recount in Istanbul an…
- Policy AnalysisIraqSecurity and Defense
The United States and the Turkish-Kurdish Conundrum in Northern Syria
Jan 11, 2019Mustafa GurbuzFuture US-Turkey relations depend on Ankara’s demands in northern Syria regarding the Kurds and how its relationship with Moscow develops.