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- BookThe Arab WorldUS Foreign Policy
A US Pivot Away from the Middle East: Fact or Fiction?
Sep 13, 2023Sahar Aziz Charles W. Dunne Mark Finley Imad K. Harb Waleed Hazbun Khalil E. Jahshan Patricia Karam Tamara Kharroub Lina Khatib Rami G. Khouri Nabeel A. Khoury Yousef Munayyer Mahsa Rouhi Yun Sun Sarah Leah Whitson Kristian Coates UlrichsenA US Pivot Away from the Middle East: Fact or Fiction? is a collection of essays tackling different aspects of a potential American pivot away from the Middle …
- Policy AnalysisKuwaitDemocracy and Governance
Challenges Facing Kuwait’s Parliamentary Democracy
Sep 12, 2023Imad K. HarbWatching Kuwait’s seemingly dysfunctional political scene gives one the impression that the country is on a course toward endless instability and disorder. Las…
- Policy AnalysisSaudi ArabiaUS Foreign Policy
The Saudi-Israeli Normalization Gambit: Deal or No Deal?
Aug 30, 2023Khalil E. JahshanAfter weeks of conflicting accounts from columnists and journalists about the outcome of the Biden administration’s intensive shuttle diplomacy aimed at convin…
- Policy AnalysisSaudi ArabiaThe War in Ukraine
The Russia-Ukraine Jeddah Meeting: A Win for MBS in a Changing Global Order
Aug 24, 2023Daniel BrumbergOver the first weekend of August 2023, Saudi Arabia convened an international summit on the war in Ukraine. Held in Jeddah and attended by representatives from…
- Policy AnalysisThe Arabian Peninsula and The GulfUS Foreign Policy
US Troop Buildup in the Gulf Reemphasizes Military Power
Aug 15, 2023Gregory AftandilianThe US military has recently significantly increased its presence in the Arabian Gulf, a show of force aimed primarily at deterring Iran from attacking or hara…
- Policy AnalysisSaudi ArabiaUS Foreign Policy
US Negotiations for a Tripartite Agreement with Saudi Arabia and Israel: Context and Calculations
Aug 14, 2023Arab Center for Research and Policy StudiesSaudi Arabia and the United States are conducting complex negotiations in order to achieve a tripartite agreement that would include normalization between the …
- Policy AnalysisIraqDemocracy and Governance
Iran’s Hardliners on the March: The Quiet Before the Storm?
Aug 3, 2023Daniel BrumbergThe recent redeployment of Iran’s dreaded “morality police” signals much more than a victory for the country’s hardliners. Instead, it seems to be part and par…
- WebinarThe Arab WorldRegional Relations and Geopolitics
China’s Growing Role in the Middle East: Regional Geopolitics and US Policy
Aug 10, 2023Experts discuss China’s evolving foreign policy and its increased engagements in the MENA region, as well as their implications for regional geopolitics, the g…
- Policy AnalysisIranUS Foreign Policy
Are the United States and Iran Moving Closer to a New Nuclear Deal?
Jul 14, 2023Arab Center for Research and Policy StudiesThe last few weeks have witnessed an active diplomatic movement between Tehran and Western countries, especially the United States, regarding resolving the cri…
- Policy AnalysisIraqDemocracy and Governance
Sudani’s Premiership Is Failing in the Iraqi Fight Against Corruption
Jul 12, 2023Patricia KaramWhen Mohammed Shia` al-Sudani became prime minister of Iraq, he made it a priority to combat endemic corruption in the country and help restore citizen trust i…