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Yousef Munayyer: What Palestinians really want
Sep 29, 2015Yousef MunayyerWhat Palestinians really want
- Policy AnalysisPalestine/IsraelUS Foreign Policy
The Dynamics of Israeli Settler Terrorism and US Options
Sep 15, 2015Yousef MunayyerIntroductionOn July 31, 2015, Palestinian homes in the village of Duma in the occupied West Bank were set on fire at night by masked assailants who left behind…
- Policy AnalysisIranRegional Relations and Geopolitics
The Iran Nuclear Deal and its Implications for the Region
Jul 31, 2015Yousef MunayyerThe agreement reached by the P5+1 (China, France, Germany, Russia, the UK, and the US), the EU and the Islamic Republic of Iran over the latter’s nuclear progr…