• Policy Analysis
    IraqDemocracy and Governance

    The Kurdish Referendum and Cross-Communal Dynamics in Iraq

    While Abadi’s popularity has risen because of his stewardship of the successful anti-Islamic State campaign, his standing could be jeopardized if the crisis ov…

  • Op-Eds

    Marcus Montgomery: Trump is about to make matters much worse with Iran

    Oct 12, 2017Marcus Montgomery

    Undermining the nuclear deal coupled with designating the IRGC a "foreign terrorist organization" only risks emboldening hardliners in Iran, which is bad news …

  • Mustafa Gurbuz talkss to The Medialine on Turkey’s latest crackdown on local Kurds

    Oct 10, 2017

    Such incidents are increasing because the officials do not regard them as crimes, and ultranationalist groups know thisRead more

  • Washington Policy Weekly
    IranConflicts and Conflict Resolution

    Congressional Update – Week Ending October 06, 2017

    Congress looks to stabilize Iraq and Syria after IS; countering Iran takes center stage as Trump vows not to certify the JCPOA; travel ban back in the court sy…

  • Op-Eds

    Marcus Montgomery: Despite the bravado, Trump will leave Iran deal decision to Congress

    The nuclear deal is another situation where Trump hopes to deface one of Obama's key accomplishments, while leaving it to Congress to decide the consequences.R…

  • Policy Analysis
    MoroccoDemocracy and Governance

    Morocco’s Rif Rises against the Makhzen’s Power

    Morocco’s popular protests highlight three intersecting dilemmas: the future legitimacy of the monarchy, poor governance and widespread corruption, and the pot…

  • Policy Analysis
    EgyptDemocracy and Governance

    Egypt’s Role in Arab Politics: Punching Below its Weight

    Oct 4, 2017Charles W. Dunne

    Egypt’s traditional influence in the Arab world is a function of its ability to help resolve its problems. This influence is today on a downward trajectory as …

  • Policy Analysis
    IraqIdentity Politics and Sectarianization

    Does Turkey Really Want to Punish Iraqi Kurdistan?

    Oct 3, 2017Mustafa Gurbuz

    Turkey may feel that it has to impose punitive measures against Iraqi Kurdistan over the referendum but countervailing Turkish domestic political conditions ma…

  • Policy Analysis
    IraqDemocracy and Governance

    Iraq’s Kurds Vote to Secede, but Problems Loom

    The widespread disapproval of the Kurdish referendum inside Iraq, the region, and internationally points to potential serious developments for the Kurds and a …

  • Policy Analysis
    LevantConflicts and Conflict Resolution

    Mahmoud Abbas: A Lone Voice in the UN Wilderness

    Sep 29, 2017Khalil E. Jahshan

    President Abbas’s speech before the United Nations was true to the Palestinian essentials of appealing for justice in Palestine, denouncing Israel’s excesses a…

  • Policy Analysis
    IraqConflicts and Conflict Resolution

    The Strategic Implications of Reopening the Baghdad-Amman Highway

    Sep 29, 2017Joe Macaron

    While pivotal for Jordan’s and Iraq’s economies, the recent re-opening of the Amman-Baghdad highway has strategic and security implications for faraway powers …