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- Policy AnalysisIranConflicts and Conflict Resolution
Sidelining Asad: Questioning the Future of Russian-Iranian-Turkish Convergence in Syria
Dec 27, 2016Imad K. HarbThe battle of Aleppo has finally been decided in favor of the Syrian regime and its Russian, Iranian, and militia cohorts. But for all intents and purposes, th…
- Op-Eds
Roxanne Perugino: Gulf Arab States and the Trump Administration
Dec 27, 2016Trump has shown little enthusiasm for America's commitment to security in the Middle East. How might US relations with Gulf states be set to change?Read More
- Policy AnalysisLevantConflicts and Conflict Resolution
UN Security Council Passes Resolution Against Israeli Settlements
Dec 23, 2016Tamara KharroubOn Wednesday, December 21, 2016, Egypt circulated a draft resolution calling for an end to Israeli settlements and demanding Israel to “immediately and complet…
- Policy AnalysisLevantConflicts and Conflict Resolution
Breaking Ground in Jerusalem
Dec 22, 2016Yousef MunayyerSome things are utterly predictable. The sun will always rise in the east, rain will always be wet, and US presidential candidates who promise to move the Amer…
- Policy AnalysisLevantConflicts and Conflict Resolution
What is Next for Turkey after the Fall of Aleppo?
Dec 15, 2016Mustafa GurbuzAfter the fall of Aleppo, Turkey’s capacity to maneuver in the region will suffer tremendously. Indeed, the fall of Aleppo has increased tensions among Syrian …
- Policy AnalysisIranConflicts and Conflict Resolution
The GCC at 35: Regional Concerns and Strategic Hedging
Dec 15, 2016Imad K. HarbLast week, the six-member Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) concluded its 37th summit meeting in Manama, Bahrain, amid many hopeful pronouncements as well as atte…
- Video
- Policy AnalysisPalestine/IsraelUS Foreign Policy
Trump’s “Ultimate Deal” on Palestine/Israel
Dec 8, 2016Tamara KharroubIn the first interview after his election victory, Donald J. Trump told The Wall Street Journal that he wants to broker a deal between Israel and the Palestini…
- Policy AnalysisLevantConflicts and Conflict Resolution
The “Incredible” John Kerry: Ineffectiveness and Inconsistency
Dec 8, 2016Yousef MunayyerIt was painful to watch. Secretary of State John Kerry trying to explain and defend American foreign policy in the Middle East is such an uncomfortable sight. …
- Press Releases
The Battle for Mosul: Political Implications for the Next Administration
Dec 2, 2016Abdulwahab Al-QassabOn November 29, 2016, Arab Center Washington DC (ACW) hosted a talk by Dr. Abdulwahab Al-Qassab on the political Implications of the battle for Mosul. Dr. Al-Q…