• Op-Eds

    Imad K. Harb: Conditions are not Right for Reconciliation in the GCC

    Sep 20, 2017Imad K. Harb

    During an interview with Al Jazeera, ACW Director of Research and Analysis wondered if the diplomatic activity in New York surrounding the UNGA meeting will co…

  • Policy Analysis
    The Arabian Peninsula and The GulfSecurity and Defense

    The US and the GCC: A Steep Learning Curve for President Trump

    Sep 18, 2017Imad K. Harb

    In its first year in office, the Trump Administration must work on remedying its shortcomings on Gulf affairs and strive to safeguard the GCC’s unity as a stra…

  • Washington Policy Weekly
    IraqMigrants, Refugees, and IDPs

    Congressional Update – Week Ending September 15, 2017

    Sep 15, 2017Marcus Montgomery

    The House passes its FY 2018 spending bill and the Senate debates the National Defense Authorization Act; State Department officials travel abroad to talk Iran…

  • Policy Analysis
    Saudi ArabiaConflicts and Conflict Resolution

    The Trump Administration’s Wishful Policies in the Yemen Conflict

    Prolonging the Yemeni conflict with unending military assistance to the Saudi-led campaign has been a disaster. The long-suffering Yemeni people deserve a chan…

  • Policy Analysis
    North AfricaJustice, Equality, and Human Rights

    A New Tunisian Law Tackles Violence Against Women

    Sep 12, 2017Sahar Khamis

    The new Tunisian law against violence against women sets a new model for the Arab world to emulate and raises the bar in the struggle for women’s rights and ge…

  • Policy Analysis
    The Arabian Peninsula and The GulfConflicts and Conflict Resolution

    Troubling Ambiguities in the UAE’s Role in Yemen

    Sep 8, 2017Imad K. Harb

    The UAE’s ambiguous policies in Yemen expose the entire restoration of Yemeni legitimacy to uncertain circumstances, put it and Saudi Arabia at cross purposes,…

  • Washington Policy Weekly
    IranMigrants, Refugees, and IDPs

    Congressional Update – Week Ending September 8, 2017

    The Senate moves closer to deciding on a State Department budget; Kuwaiti delegation canvasses Washington; Nikki Haley takes aim at Iran deal; and Trump’s trav…

  • Panel Discussions
    Palestine/IsraelRegional Relations and Geopolitics

    The Future of Gaza: Between Domestic and Regional Politics

    Sep 14, 2017

    On September 14, 2017, Arab Center Washington DC (ACW) presented a panel, “The Future of Gaza: Between Domestic and Regional Politics.”

  • Policy Analysis
    The Arabian Peninsula and The GulfConflicts and Conflict Resolution

    Can the Gulf Cooperation Council Survive the Current Crisis?

    The GCC is likely to survive the current crisis, at least on paper, but to become far less relevant as policymaking is driven by younger decision-makers who ha…

  • Policy Analysis
    IranDemocracy and Governance

    The Popular Mobilization Forces and Iraq’s Next Elections

    Sep 6, 2017Mustafa Gurbuz

    Multiple Shia parties are competing to benefit from the successes of the Popular Mobilization Forces in the fight against the Islamic State in Iraq’s 2018 nati…

  • Op-Eds

    Radwan Ziadeh: Two Million Dollars and Darayya’s Rubble (in Arabic)

    Sep 6, 2017Radwan Ziadeh

    Assad who destroyed the cities that rebelled against him will not be able to rebuild them. Read more

  • Policy Analysis
    LevantConflicts and Conflict Resolution

    Will Netanyahu’s Legal Troubles Break the Stalemate?

    Aug 31, 2017Yousef Munayyer

    With or without Benyamin Netanyahu, there is little reason to believe that any likely foreseeable Israeli government will be ready for peace with the Palestini…