Arab Center Washington DC

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This is paragraph text: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.



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Content Feed - 3 Items

Webinars & Events

  • Webinar
    Public Opinion

    Does Arab Public Opinion Matter in 2020?

    Nov 18, 2020

    On November 18, 2020, Arab Center Washington DC announced the release of the Arab Opinion Index (2019-2020), the largest public opinion survey conducted in the…

  • Panel Discussions
    Palestine/IsraelUS Foreign Policy

    Evangelical Christians and US Middle East Policy

    Nov 14, 2019

    On November 14, 2019, Arab Center Washington DC (ACW) hosted a panel discussion at its headquarters titled “Evangelical Christians and US Middle East Policy.”

  • Panel Discussions
    Democracy and Governance

    Arab Constitutions in the 21st Century

    May 23, 2017

    On May 23, 2017, the Arab Center Washington (ACW) held an event titled “Arab Constitutions in the 21st Century.”

Content Feed - 5 Items

Latest Publications

  • Policy Analysis
    Palestine/IsraelReligion and Politics

    A Soft “Status Quo”: The Gradual Collapse of the Jewish Religious Prohibition on Entering Jerusalem’s Noble Sanctuary

    Jun 22, 2023Honaida Ghanim

    The “Status Quo” around Jerusalem’s Noble Sanctuary (al-Haram al-Sharif) has become part of the general discourse since the Israeli occupation of the West Bank…

  • Policy Analysis
    Palestine/IsraelReligion and Politics

    On the Struggle Between the Founding Colonialists and the New Colonialists of Israel

    Apr 14, 2023Honaida Ghanim

    Israel today is witnessing an unprecedented internal struggle that has split Israeli society into two contentious groups separated by what is, at least at the …

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Content Feed w/ Filters

Current Openings FTE

Current Openings

Fellow for US Government Affairs

Arab Center Washington DC is hiring a Fellow for US Government Affairs, based in Washington, DC, on a full-time basis.

The Fellow for US Government Affairs will monitor activities in the three branches of the US government (Congress, the White House and Executive Branch, and the Judicial Branch) and prepare a weekly report (Washington Policy Weekly) of all activities pertaining to the Middle East. The fellow will provide Arab Center executives and researchers with daily analyses of legislative and policy issues related to US policy in the Middle East. S/he will initiate and maintain regular contact and professional relationships with relevant congressional staff serving on the foreign affairs committees and other committees or subcommittees dealing with Arab world and Middle East issues as well as with federal government employees at relevant agencies and departments.

Deadline: August 31, 2021.
Salary commensurate with experience.

Horizontal Tabs - Regions

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  • From our Affiliates
    Palestine/IsraelReligion and Politics

    Haredim Conscription and the Future of Netanyahu’s Coalition

    Apr 21, 2024Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies

    The exemption of ultra-Orthodox Jews from military conscription has represented a major source of contention in Israeli society since 1948. This disagreement h…

  • Policy Analysis
    Palestine/IsraelReligion and Politics

    A Soft “Status Quo”: The Gradual Collapse of the Jewish Religious Prohibition on Entering Jerusalem’s Noble Sanctuary

    Jun 22, 2023Honaida Ghanim

    The “Status Quo” around Jerusalem’s Noble Sanctuary (al-Haram al-Sharif) has become part of the general discourse since the Israeli occupation of the West Bank…

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  • From our Affiliates
    IranIdentity Politics and Sectarianization

    An Assassination Attempt Revives an Old Discussion

    Sep 13, 2022Azmi Bishara

    The assassination attempt on novelist Salman Rushdie as he lectured at the Chautauqua Institution on Friday, August 12, 2022 in Chautauqua, New York, has reson…

  • Policy Analysis
    IranReligion and Politics

    Assault on Salman Rushdie Generates Diplomatic and Political Tremors

    Sep 2, 2022Daniel Brumberg

    It will probably never be known whether the 24-year-old Lebanese American man who repeatedly stabbed world-renowned author Salman Rushdie on August 12 acted wi…

  • There are no resources at this time. Please check back later.

  • Policy Analysis
    North AfricaDemocracy and Governance

    The Islamists of Northwest Africa: Accommodation and Co-optation

    Jan 26, 2022Amal Ghazal

    Analyses of Islamists in Northwest Arica—from Mauritania to Libya—follow a common pattern of distinguishing militants among them from non-militants. In particu…

  • Policy Analysis
    EgyptReligion and Politics

    Agreements and Tensions in US-Egyptian Relations

    Dec 2, 2021Sahar Khamis

    The US-Egypt strategic dialogue was held in Washington, DC in early November between Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and his American counterpart, Secre…

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  • There are no resources at this time. Please check back later.

Affiliated Centers

Homepage – Levant Feed

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  • From our Affiliates
    Palestine/IsraelReligion and Politics

    Haredim Conscription and the Future of Netanyahu’s Coalition

    Apr 21, 2024Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies

    The exemption of ultra-Orthodox Jews from military conscription has represented a major source of contention in Israeli society since 1948. This disagreement h…

  • Policy Analysis
    Palestine/IsraelReligion and Politics

    A Soft “Status Quo”: The Gradual Collapse of the Jewish Religious Prohibition on Entering Jerusalem’s Noble Sanctuary

    Jun 22, 2023Honaida Ghanim

    The “Status Quo” around Jerusalem’s Noble Sanctuary (al-Haram al-Sharif) has become part of the general discourse since the Israeli occupation of the West Bank…

Homepage – North Africa Feed

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  • Policy Analysis
    North AfricaDemocracy and Governance

    The Islamists of Northwest Africa: Accommodation and Co-optation

    Jan 26, 2022Amal Ghazal

    Analyses of Islamists in Northwest Arica—from Mauritania to Libya—follow a common pattern of distinguishing militants among them from non-militants. In particu…

  • Policy Analysis
    EgyptReligion and Politics

    Agreements and Tensions in US-Egyptian Relations

    Dec 2, 2021Sahar Khamis

    The US-Egypt strategic dialogue was held in Washington, DC in early November between Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and his American counterpart, Secre…

Homepage – The Arabian Peninsula and The Gulf Feed

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  • From our Affiliates
    IranIdentity Politics and Sectarianization

    An Assassination Attempt Revives an Old Discussion

    Sep 13, 2022Azmi Bishara

    The assassination attempt on novelist Salman Rushdie as he lectured at the Chautauqua Institution on Friday, August 12, 2022 in Chautauqua, New York, has reson…

  • Policy Analysis
    IranReligion and Politics

    Assault on Salman Rushdie Generates Diplomatic and Political Tremors

    Sep 2, 2022Daniel Brumberg

    It will probably never be known whether the 24-year-old Lebanese American man who repeatedly stabbed world-renowned author Salman Rushdie on August 12 acted wi…

Homepage – The Horn of Africa Feed

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  • There are no resources at this time. Please check back later.



Affiliated Centers

ACW is affiliated with the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies(ACRPS) and it's network of research centers around the world. Headquartered in Doha, Qatar, ACRPS is one of the premier independent research institutes in the Arab region.