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The US and the GCC: A Steep Learning Curve for President Trump
Sep 18, 2017Imad K. HarbIn its first year in office, the Trump Administration must work on remedying its shortcomings on Gulf affairs and strive to safeguard the GCC’s unity as a stra…
- Policy AnalysisThe Arabian Peninsula and The GulfConflicts and Conflict Resolution
Can the Gulf Cooperation Council Survive the Current Crisis?
Sep 7, 2017Kristian Coates UlrichsenThe GCC is likely to survive the current crisis, at least on paper, but to become far less relevant as policymaking is driven by younger decision-makers who ha…
- Op-Eds
Imad K. Harb: To resolve the GCC crisis, keep Trump away
Aug 17, 2017Imad K. HarbSecretary of State Rex Tillerson must insist on his independence in addressing the stalemate in the Gulf crisis.Read more
- Policy AnalysisSaudi ArabiaDemocracy and Governance
Mohammed bin Salman’s Elevation and the Way Forward
Aug 1, 2017Imad K. HarbCrown Prince Mohammed bin Salman faces serious challenges in affirming Saudi Arabia’s domestic stability and addressing the fallout from the GCC crisis and the…
- BookThe Arabian Peninsula and The GulfThe GCC
Crisis in the Gulf Cooperation Council: Challenges and Prospects
Aug 1, 2017Abdulwahab Al-Qassab Zeina Azzam George Doumar Mustafa Gurbuz Imad K. Harb Khalil E. Jahshan Tamara Kharroub Joe Macaron Marcus Montgomery Yousef Munayyer Radwan ZiadehThis booklet includes 14 policy papers written by ACW analysts since the 2017 Gulf crisis began, as well as several pertinent background documents dealing with…
- Video
- Washington Policy WeeklyIranThe GCC
Congressional Update – Week Ending July 28, 2017
Jul 28, 2017Marcus MontgomeryCongress takes on budgets before the House goes on recess; Qatar and the GCC are front and center in Washington; Lebanon’s PM Visits DC.
- Policy AnalysisIraqConflicts and Conflict Resolution
Improving Iraq-GCC Relations: No Time Like the Present
Jul 27, 2017Charles W. DunneIraq’ reintegration into the Arab world, particularly in terms of improving its relations with its Gulf neighbors, will support its stability as well as ensure…
- Policy AnalysisQatarConflicts and Conflict Resolution
The GCC Crisis: Media, Hacks, and the Emergence of “Cyber Power”
Jul 25, 2017Tamara KharroubMedia tools have been employed heavily in the GCC crisis to suppress freedom of the press and expression, indicating a shift from military and soft power to a …
- Video
The Role of Media in the GCC Crisis: Hacking, Free Press, and Their Implications
Jul 20, 2017Jul 20, 2017