• Washington Policy Weekly
    IranMigrants, Refugees, and IDPs

    Congressional Update – January 20th, 2016

    Jan 20, 2016Roxanne Perugino

    Roxanne Perugino

  • Washington Policy Weekly
    US Domestic Politics and Elections

    Understanding The US Legislative Process

    Jan 10, 2016

    Forms of Congressional ActionUnder the US Constitution, Congress initiates legislation. Legislation passed by Congress must be signed by the President to becom…

  • Washington Policy Weekly
    US Domestic Politics and Elections

    Foreign Assistance Legislation: The Authorization and Appropriation Process

    Jan 9, 2016

    Authorization versus Appropriations LegislationTheory: In theory, Congress should follow a two-step legislative process (authorization and appropriation) that …

  • Washington Policy Weekly
    Security and Defense

    Congressional Update – January 8, 2016

    Jan 8, 2016

    1. FY 2016 Consolidated Appropriations ActMiddle East Provisions of the State, Foreign Operations bill in the Consolidated Appropriations bill.In the days imme…

  • Washington Policy Weekly
    US Domestic Politics and Elections

    The Foreign Policy Powers of Congress

    Jan 8, 2016

    The US Constitution contains ambiguities regarding the roles of Congress and the President in making foreign policy. In practice, strong Presidents and legisla…

  • Survey: Arabs Overwhelmingly Oppose Islamic State

    Dec 22, 2015

    A new survey of more than 18,000 Arabs in 12 countries shows they overwhelmingly have negative views of Islamic State insurgents terrorizing many of their home…

  • Public Opinion Survey
    Pie chart indicating the Arab world has an overwhelmingly negative view of ISIL (ISIS).
    LevantConflicts and Conflict Resolution

    The 2015 Arab Opinion Index: ISIL and Syria

    Dec 21, 2015

    The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies 2015 Arab Opinion Index (AOI) was based on 18,311 face-to-face interviews conducted in 12 different Arab countr…

  • Press Releases

    The 2015 Arab Opinion Index: ISIL and Syria Results in Brief

    Dec 21, 2015

    Press AdvisoryDoha and Washington DC - The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies 2015 Arab Opinion Index (AOI) was based on 18,311 face-to-face interview…

  • Syrian Refugee Policy

    Dec 17, 2015

    Former U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker talked about the Syrian refugee crisis at a forum hosted by the Arab Center Washington DC. He criticized the Obama administ…

  • Keynote Conversations
    LevantConflicts and Conflict Resolution

    Syrian Refugee Crisis and the Evolving US Policy

    Dec 17, 2015

    On Thursday December 17th, 2015, the Arab Center Washington DC (ACW) held a briefing with Ambassador Ryan C. Crocker on the Syrian refugee crisis and the evolv…

  • Policy Analysis
    IraqUS Foreign Policy

    The “Dos and Don’ts” of Defeating ISIS: Obama’s wasted 13-minutes

    Dec 6, 2015Tamara Kharroub Roxanne Perugino

    Giving his first Oval Office speech during his second term, President Obama addressed the nation on December 6, 2015 following the San Bernardino attack to rea…